How to Recycle Color Laser Toner Cartridges.
Think green in two ways today. You can save the environment by recycling laser toner cartridges and earn money while doing it. Organizations like the Group to recycle electronics is going to buy empty laser toner cartridges. He even sent a prepaid envelope to return empty printer cartridges. Printer manufacturers also offer recycling to keep filling the empty cartridges from landfills. As a bonus, many people can now buy recycled laser toner cartridges directly from the manufacturer to complete the "reduce, reuse, recycle" circle and save money in the process.

things you need:
Empty laser toner cartridges (color or black)
A prepaid return kit to recycle electronic devices or groups
A prepaid envelope or label manufacturer

1 Visit the "Group of recycling electronic devices" and select "toner" in the dropdown menu and then select the "mark" and "model" fall back through the menus. This will tell the current price of recycling electronics to be paid for each empty cartridge.
2 Click "Register" and provide your address and contact information for recycling electronic devices can mail you a prepaid envelope. Be sure to include a proper name and surname in the manner that corresponds to your bank account so that you can cash the check recycle electronic devices when you arrive.
3 Place empty laser toner cartridges in the prepaid envelope and return, in accordance with the instructions to recycle electronics. You can put multiple cartridges in an envelope at a time to use less return envelopes. recycle electronic devices also allow you to donate his salary to charity if you wish.
4 Visit the manufacturer's website for recycling specific brands of laser toner cartridges. Canon, Ricoh and HP are some articles that have programs for recycling printer cartridges and offers print labels with postage-paid return of your website.